How do you know which Twister Closing Wheel is the right fit for your operation? The Yetter sales team has put together this short guide to the Twister family to help you answer that question. view article »
When the Twister Closing Wheel came along, it changed the way the industry thought about the purpose and function of closing wheels. The Twister is set apart by its twisted spikes, which angle toward each other. With every revolution of the wheel, the Twister moves soil inward to tuck in the seed. view article »
Here are the five installation steps that will help ensure your Twister Closing Wheels are in the best position to successfully close the seed furrow on your operation. view article »
This article provides farmers with a summary of best practices for maintaining equipment, with a focus on planters. Regular planter inspections and maintenance tasks are critical to ensuring your planter and all it's components are operating as needed to achieve optimal performance. A link to a more detailed guide is included. view article »
Residue management in soft soils can be tricky. These best practices will help you prepare the perfect seedbed in even the softest soil conditions. view article »
From the tillage experts at Yetter Farm Equipment, an article on zone tillage vs. coulter tillage and the benefits and drawbacks of each, along with fertilizer application tips. view article »
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